Sexual activity is not only embarrassing to talk about. Furthermore, in accordance with the times, research increasingly shows that sexual activity is not only important to maintain a relationship with a partner, but also useful as a natural remedy to protect your health. A healthy sexual life, of course, can improve the quality of life, increasing the natural resistance of the body and reduce the deadly diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.
Here are some of the health benefits of sexual activity for us, has concluded a number of scientists and researchers:
- Keep the heart in order to stay healthy According to a survey conducted by Queen's University of Belfast, to have sexual activity at least 2-3 times a week can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
- Sexual activity boosts your immune system Sexual activity can increase the levels of antibodies called immunoglobulin A, which serves to protect the body against viral and bacterial infections. In addition, sexual activity also increases the body's natural steroid called DHEA, which keeps the body free from diseases.
Besides being a source of various diseases, high cholesterol, also affects a person's sex life, both men and women. Maybe it was not commonly known is a case of erectile dysfunction caused by excess cholesterol. This is due to the chaotic and terbatasinya arterial blood flow in a lot of cholesterol. As a result, penile erection, erections because the process itself depends on the flow of blood to the penis.
Worse, the production of cholesterol-lowering drugs are common, ie statins, which have side effects that actually reduces a person's libido. Based on research in 2009 funded by the Government of the United States, the use of statins can cause changes in sexual pleasure, as the deterioration of the quality of the sex of the user. This effect is more significant for male and female patients. Fortunately, not all acts of anti-cholesterol statin drugs with sex, so it can be avoided by switching to another statin.
For women, high levels of cholesterol can be difficult due to light. The reason is almost the same as erectile dysfunction, inhibiting blood flow to the pelvic area, because the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. The use of lubricants may be a small problem, but does not fully resolve. Some of the blocked artery causing the clitoral orgasm and the feeling of fun or whatever is nearly impossible.
Here are some of venereal disease and bacterial menyebakannya and a glimpse of how prevention and treatment, which dikemukan Dr. Taylor from the Health Awareness Connection (HAC), Broklyn USA:
Kinds of Sex Disease
- Gonorrhea & Chlamydia
Caused by bacteria. Infection begins a few days to several weeks after sex with people who contracted the disease; In men, it causes a discharge from the male genitalia. Urination can be painful. These symptoms may feel heavy or do not feel at all; The symptoms of gonorrhea in women are usually very mild or not felt at all, but if untreated the disease can be severe and lead to infertility; The disease can be cured with antibiotics if treated early. - HERPES
In women going out of the thick white fluid that causes intense itching; Can be cured with antifungal creams.
One important thing to note in reproductive health is to understand the anatomy and reproductive organs. Reproductive organs are those parts of the body that serves in a continuing process of descent. Here is an explanation of reproductive organs in women:
a) The fallopian tubes (oviduct), which is located on the left channel and right ovarian function to be passed by the ovum from the ovary to the uterus.
b) Ovary (ovarian), which is an organ on the left and right ovarian function produces the egg (ovum). Every once a month left and right ovary in turn will release the egg. If fertilization does not occur, then the egg will come out at the time of menstruation. Ovaries contain 400,000 eggs, but it will only release 400 eggs during her life.
c) The uterus (womb), where the fetus was raised, shaped like a squashed avocado and normal weight 30-50 grams. At the moment in a state of pregnancy, the uterus is only for large chicken egg.
Sexual function and reproductive disorders that occur, depending on the type of drug used and the time period using material that is harmful. Benikut will be described the influence of several types of drugs on sexual function and reproduction.
Although the cause euphoria, does not mean heroin a positive influence sexual and reproductive function. Heroin was a cause adverse effects for sexual function. In men, decreased testosterone levels, decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation and barriers. In women, there are also some bad influences on sexual and reproductive function, ie decreased sex drive, failure of orgasm, inhibition of menstruation, fertility disorders, shrinking breasts, and discharge from the breast. Sexual Problems arose because the influence of heroin that inhibits the function of sex hormones in both men and women.
In addition to causing hallucinations influence, marijuana also cause bad consequences for sexual function. Ingredients such as smoked these cigarettes contain tar which is much higher than cigarettes. The effects on sexual function and reproduction can occur because of marijuana use. Some effect on men is shrinking testes (testicles) and decreased testosterone levels. Further cause male breast enlargement, decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and impaired sperm. In the female egg cell disruption, the barrier becomes pregnant, and obstruction of birth process, in addition to decreased sexual drive.
No need herbs or stimulants, if you just want to increase the passion and endurance during sex. Simply by eating vegetables, celery before or during sex, the effect of outside generally can immediately felt as an effect of Viagra.
Eating celery before or during sex can increase sexual desire can be felt by both men and women.
Celery (Apium graveolens L) is presented as Viagra vegetables or stimulant drugs, such as vegetables viagra effectiveness (sildenafril). The term was popularized by three researchers from the United States is Dr. Judy Garman, Dr. Walter Gaman and Dr. Mark Anderson.
The content of celery is effective wake during intercourse is a compound androstenone. This substance is a natural steroid that stimulates the release of pheromones and hormones in the male decoy, so that their more passionate.
In a book entitled staying young: Proven Steps to Complete Health, the researchers said that the immediate effects of eating celery can be felt immediately. To be more passionate partner, he can not chew celery just before or during sex.
For the man himself, the consumption of celery can increase the production of fluid released during ejaculation ejaculate. As mentioned Newsoxy, on Monday (2/14/2011), some men like the growth in volume of seminal fluid that can make sense of his pleasure when reaching orgasm.
However, some experts still doubt the effectiveness of celery. Although I can not deny that all plants are beneficial to health, celery effective in increasing libido can not be equated with patented drugs like Viagra.
Especially in the book of the researchers also gave a number of issues. Others say that the benefits of celery can not be felt in certain circumstances, especially among men who smoke or are overweight (obesity).
With the arrival of summer, the couple moments longer free to spend more time together and enjoy sex. Therefore, the office visits of sexology increase by more than 25%.
But something has changed. Women are not going to see for fear of losing their partners but because they have taken control of their sexuality and sexually demanding quality.
But what most women do not know is that much of female sexual dysfunction improve with pelvic floor exercises.
The importance of pelvic floor exercises to get a quality sexual life
In addition, these exercises improve vaginal lubrication and elasticity. Sometimes, this lubrication is altered by changes such as using a hormonal contraceptive methods, the use of the pill or the ring, presence of fungi or irritation, stress, etc.
According to sexologist Marta Ibáñez, expert advice Centradaenti Tena Lady, a toned pelvic floor and provides a more elastic quality of our sex. Therefore, pelvic floor exercises are key in improving the satisfaction of women.
A recent study published in New Scientist magazine produced in London at Queens University in Belfast only identified five causes of morning sex is practiced at least three times a week, improves the function of various organs and dramatically increases the quality of life.
1. It improves the immune system. Sex is also expanding in the morning and will be confirmed only responsible for protective immunity, and protect against attack by pathogens.
2. It improves circulation and is a good cardiovascular protection. And last but not least, it also improves circulation and reduces blood pressure and therefore the risk of stroke.
3. It burns calories and helps you lose weight. The study also shows that sex in the morning is an exercise that burns about 300 calories per hour, and thus helps you lose weight and maintain weight, reduces the risk of diabetes, strengthens bones, joints and muscles and relieves chronic pain such as arthritis or migraine.
4. It makes you more attractive. A former beauty tip found by the researchers for the sake of the future has a special appeal because orgasm increases estrogen levels and hormones are directly related to the brightness and softness of the skin and hair health.
5. The increases testosterone levels. The benefits it has for men, in particular, the study found that men produce more testosterone, if you have sex in the morning, as it strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis.
Are you sleeping as God gave the world or are you faithful to your pajamas? Aware of the reasons for rejecting pajamas.
How do you usually go to bed? Seriously exciting? Are you in your underwear today? No doubt in your pajamas? When all the old worn-Shirt XXL? Or are you a liberal who escaped from a straitjacket?
As Educasexo, which is chosen to go to bed says a lot about you Did you know? His deepest secrets may be disclosed without their consent, how to dress for bed.
Leaving aside the pajamas and enjoy nudity.
However, the tendency "to sleep without clothes," Why do more? Undoubtedly, for your convenience. You can freely, without oppression or slavery is one of the most rewarding pleasures you have not already tried? Enjoy the comfort after a long day at work Priceless! You will feel more relaxed and sleep better.
Besides comfort, there are other reasons to impose sleep without clothes, especially in sexual matters. If you have ever slept that God brought you into this world next to your partner, you have seen when the libido is on the surface than ever. Sexual contact with the body of another is an important source of inspiration. Sleep without clothes with your partner, increase your level of intimacy that make sex more often.
There is indeed a relationship between food consumed by sexual passion. Some fillers that can enhance sexual desire are:
1. Honey
This material contains boron, which acts metabaolisme caressed. In addition, this mineral enhances testosterone levels in the blood, which is used to provide a specific stimulus to the sexual organs.
2. The walnut oil
Fat contained in whole grains, vegetables, nuts are also a source of fatty acids that produce cholesterol. While on the one hand, cholesterol is not good for health, but on the other hand, cholesterol is the foundation of all sex hormones. Well, to reduce risks, choose products labeled cold pressed, as it contains vitamin E that can maintain hormonal balance in the body.
3. Oats
Susan Weed, herbalist, we recommend taking a cup of oatmeal and drank three cups of oat straw tea several times a week. Because these foods can increase the amount of the hormone testosterone in the blood.
4. Oysters
All seafood contains minerals that are components of the sex hormones. In addition, these minerals are necessary to maintain the functioning of our brain and nervous system. "The minerals in seafood and are in their own forms of salt, which makes them easily usable by the body," said weeds.
A Man have more sexual desire than women? Make no mistake, the woman can be a motivator during sex.
Here are 13 myths about sex:
1. Male sex drive is higher for women
Libido fuels is testosterone, and men higher than women. Even if, according to gender advisers in the United States, Denise Knowles, was actually another. Complaints decreased libido men to grow and is linked to lifestyle, so it is not only influenced by hormones. Perhaps testosterone levels were normal for a man, but he suffered from fatigue, stress, sexual arousal is reduced. The elderly are aging, obesity, smoking, alcohol and psychotropic drugs may also affect the erection. Thus, women do not believe in the myth. Women may also be a motivating factor, or in control during sex.
2. Condoms were the second magic shield for all types of sexually transmitted diseases
If used correctly, condoms can prevent sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, gonorrhea and chlamydia, but not enough to effectively prevent syphilis, genital herpes or genital skin. Dr Patrick French, consultant, sexually transmitted diseases and urinary tract infections in London, says: "infection infects the skin and affects the parts of the body not covered by condoms, however, the condom may further reduce the risk of infection was 50 percent .. "
3. You have never had an STD from oral sex
Wrong! SPM type of herpes, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and nonspecific urethritis (inflammation of the urinary tract that is often experienced by men) can occur through oral sex. The risk of HIV infection remains high, especially when there are sores in the mouth.
4. Not all women have G-spot
Of course, all women have G-spot orgasm or the button repeatedly. How to enjoy, relax and know what makes you orgasm.
Keep in mind, when cells are actively dividing (metaplasi), ideally not occur contact or any external stimuli, including injus (entry of) foreign bodies in the female body.
With the presence of foreign objects, including the male genitalia and sperm cells, would lead toward the development of abnormal cells. Especially if it comes to injuries that resulted in infection in utero.
Abnormal cells in the cervix that can lead to cervical cancer (cervix). Cervical cancer that attacks the female womb tools, starting from the cervix and the risk of spread to the vagina to get out on the surface.
In addition, also at risk for cervical cancer spread to other organs in the body, such as the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, kidney, lung, liver, bone to brain.
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Keep in mind, semen and sperm that many will cause a longer orgasm, including increasing sexual desire. Here are some ways you can do to improve or increase the number of sperm:
Stop smoking
Besides causing bad breath odor, smoking was found to affect sperm count. One study showed that the smokers had sperm counts less than those who do not smoke.
Avoid wearing pants that are too tight
This is the reason why the testicle is located depends on the body. Testes require a cooler temperature than other body parts. Therefore, wearing shorts or pants are too tight will cause the temperature around it gets hot and affect sperm production.
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Sexual dysfunction is itself a condition in which sexual function in a person's body has begun to weaken. Conditions that can occur when we are young, or at an advanced age because of physical and mental condition of diminishing returns.
The condition of sexual dysfunction can occur in men and women. In men can be hiposeksualitas (decreased sexual desire), impotensia (reduced erectile ability or can not afford at all), premature ejaculation, and anorgosmia (can not orgasm). In women, sexual dysfunction can be hiposeksualitas (reduced sexual desire), frigidity (cold toward sex or not excited at all), fobio seksualis (fear and disgust at sexual intercourse), vaginismus, disparuenia (pain during intercourse), and anorgasmia ( can not orgasm).
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Try the following seven tips that can increase your sex drive!
- Maintain Foods
A balanced diet will give your body can function optimally, not least the sexual problems. Choosing to eat healthy is good for the heart, so is useful for circulation to increase genital stimulation. Try foods that can increase stimulation: Apricots are high in vitamins A and magnesium, which has contributed to fertility. Broccoli is no doubt about it can enhance sexual arousal due to the high content of Vitamins A, C, B5 and niacin. Carrots contain vitamin B5, which is useful for the production of sexual hormones. - Try some supplements sexual stimulation
Ginkgo biloba optimize sexual pleasure by relaxing the muscles and increases blood flow. Dose per day: 50 milligrams. Ginseng increases energy and increases sexual desire. Dose per day: 100 milligrams. Kava kava reduces stress without causing side effects of sedatives. Dose per day: 60 miligram. Remember to consult a physician before consuming. - Be careful with the drugs stop libido
Some prescription drugs, like antidepressants can interfere with sexual function. Talk with your doctor if you take medication regularly, especially as antihypertensive drugs that can cause erectile and ejaculatory dysfunction in men and reduce the desire in women; asthma medication that can cause vaginal dryness or birth control pills cause vaginal dryness and low libido. Leisure, recreation medications such as nicotine, caffeine can interfere alhokol and your sexual life, especially when done regularly.