Besides being a source of various diseases, high cholesterol, also affects a person's sex life, both men and women. Maybe it was not commonly known is a case of erectile dysfunction caused by excess cholesterol. This is due to the chaotic and terbatasinya arterial blood flow in a lot of cholesterol. As a result, penile erection, erections because the process itself depends on the flow of blood to the penis.

Worse, the production of cholesterol-lowering drugs are common, ie statins, which have side effects that actually reduces a person's libido. Based on research in 2009 funded by the Government of the United States, the use of statins can cause changes in sexual pleasure, as the deterioration of the quality of the sex of the user. This effect is more significant for male and female patients. Fortunately, not all acts of anti-cholesterol statin drugs with sex, so it can be avoided by switching to another statin.

For women, high levels of cholesterol can be difficult due to light. The reason is almost the same as erectile dysfunction, inhibiting blood flow to the pelvic area, because the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. The use of lubricants may be a small problem, but does not fully resolve. Some of the blocked artery causing the clitoral orgasm and the feeling of fun or whatever is nearly impossible.

To avoid problems with your sex life (especially at the time of the first night), it is recommended to avoid high cholesterol. If this is done, just do a diet low in cholesterol. One of them, with emphasis on the consumption of vegetables, such as saturated fats can increase cholesterol. Cholesterol beautiful, not the diet, according to doctors and sex therapists, which is equivalent to a diet of sex in a healthy diet of high cholesterol will help us achieve a healthy sex life.

Remember, exercise is also important for good sex and good cholesterol. Relocation of 30 minutes each day will be able to pump blood through the body, including body parts, which are essential to sexual pleasure.

In any case, despite all the difficulties posed by, cholesterol is also useful for the formation of sex hormones. On one level, cholesterol levels can help to develop the body, including sex hormones. In women, cholesterol helps produce estrogens and progesterone. And men, cholesterol levels, stimulate the creation of testosterone. Without this hormone, does not grow certain physical characteristics related to gender, such as the breast in women and increased body hair for men. This hormone is also important for reproduction, if the sex to have children means that you need a lot of cholesterol. Cholesterol is also responsible for vitamin D in the body, which produces strong bones and teeth.