Here are some of venereal disease and bacterial menyebakannya and a glimpse of how prevention and treatment, which dikemukan Dr. Taylor from the Health Awareness Connection (HAC), Broklyn USA:
Kinds of Sex Disease
- Gonorrhea & Chlamydia
Caused by bacteria. Infection begins a few days to several weeks after sex with people who contracted the disease; In men, it causes a discharge from the male genitalia. Urination can be painful. These symptoms may feel heavy or do not feel at all; The symptoms of gonorrhea in women are usually very mild or not felt at all, but if untreated the disease can be severe and lead to infertility; The disease can be cured with antibiotics if treated early. - HERPES
- Ulcers on the genitals
In women going out of the thick white fluid that causes intense itching; Can be cured with antifungal creams.
It can also be caused by various bacteria are not harmful indeed settled in the vagina;
Can be investigated by examining the vaginal fluid under a microscope;
Can generally be cured with proper medication in accordance with the cause.
Appears in the form of one or many ulcers or lumps between a month until a year after having sex with the disease;
Generally can not be seen in women because it is located inside the vagina, or in men for being too small. Can be tested with a layer of vinegar; Could have serious repercussions on women because it can cause cervical cancer; Genital ulcers can be cured, a woman should have a pap smear every time you change an intimate partner.
Cause small wounds and itching all over body;
Treated with liquid medicine rubbed into the entire body;
Clothes, bed linens and towels should be washed after treatment, because fleas can settle on a fabric stretcher.
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